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Wellness / Fitness Consultations


Individual, Corporate

Return to "YOURSELF"
break-through fitness program

by Nat Sedig & Marina Myshkina


As your coaches we want you to understand that the most important thing is for you to stay in alignment with your Inner-Being, as it affects your emotional, spiritual and overall state of body. This is why it is crucial to begin any physical education with first clarifying why it is important to come into an alignment with who-you-really-are.


We want you to remember one thing, you have to consciously be in the state of appreciation of how you look and how you feel now and overall - who you are and what you desire. The more positive emotions and appreciation you develop for your body and your physical achievements, the stronger you align with who-you-really are - the faster the results you expect will come to you.

Set small, incremental goals for bigger results!

Return to "Yourself"

We are not going to talk about "dieting" and setting our body into a coma with a yet another boot camp. We are going to begin by shifting our mindset into having fun with your mind/body transformation.

Don't forget about the small increments in the long run of transformation of your physique. Let us remind you how very important it is to start your day with a glass of water (add a wedge of lemon or lime). Our body is 60 to 75% water. Don't forget to replenish it! Aim for 8+ glasses of water a day.
Prior to determining which exercise routine is best for you, we begin by establishing what you like and truly enjoy - are you a natural runner, swimmer, dancer? What do YOU like to do? Do you like going to the gym or do prefer working out at home?  Never think about working out as a strenuous, physical routine. Stick to what excites you! Let us remind you that our body was created for movement, so believe in its natural ability to build strong and lean muscles.


We can acquire strength and flexibility simply by living according to our body’s design.

Now that brings us to the topic of the importance of natural physical alignment. The underlying design that governs if and how the body will move with efficiency depends on the most basic physical laws of gravity. Natural physical alignment can only be regained by a conscious, self-directed process by each individual making deliberate changes from the inside out.


We hear a lot about core strength and core abs today. Six-pack abs for men and a flat belly for women are held up as the ideal everyone should strive to achieve. We are told core strength is necessary for stabilizing the back, and while this part of the story about abs is true, many misperceptions persist about what real core strength happens to be.


Babies, when given opportunities to develop naturally, begin to build genuine core strength in the earliest months of life. They will put this to use in bringing themselves up to sitting, then crawling, standing, and walking. By the time they are fully upright and walking, they appear to have all the core strength they will ever need. Once lost, however, this deep stabilizing strength can only be regained through a self-directed process of re-creating natural movements that coordinate the dynamic interplay between aligned bones and elastic muscles. This must be done from the ground up and from the inside out. In the same way that builders never begin constructing a structure at the second floor or try to put the roof on first, we teach our clients how to rebuild a healthy body by beginning with a solid foundation.

Don't forget that with any wellness and/or fitness program the minute you mention you need to lose weight or want to change your body a certain way, it will create resistance that shows you are not perfect. Begin by shifting your mindset into doing any kind of a workout as an exciting daily routine to create and build up your stamina, to improve your strength and overall just to feel good about yourself.


It is not a matter of what we do, but how we feel about it, that determines the long-term results. Real fitness merges mechanical alignment that is supported by deep core strength. Strength at the core allows everything else to relax.


We are here to assist you in achieving beautiful mind and body and overall a happy lifestyle... As life has to be fun. Let's have fun together!

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